Mason City, IA Crime Rate 2024 – Latest Statistics

Nellie D. O’mara

Whether you are a visitor or a long-term resident of Mason City, IA, crime rate is a valuable factor in decision-making. Being aware of how Mason City compares to surrounding cities in terms of crime rate can help residents effectively protect and defend themselves. If you’ve been charged with a crime, it’s important to reach out to a local criminal defense lawyer.

What Things Might Affect the Crime Rate of a City?

Many factors influence crime and crime reporting. The types of crimes most commonly committed in an area can be swayed by local traffic networks, poverty levels, domestic instability, population density, and more. This should be taken into consideration when analyzing any statistics, as it can cause data to fluctuate greatly from year to year.

Crime Rate Divided by Violent Crimes and Property Crimes

The crime rate of any locale can be determined by looking at two factors: violent crimes and property crimes. Violent crimes include aggravated assault, rape, robbery, or homicide. Property crimes include arson, burglary, larceny, and damage or theft of a motor vehicle. At O’Mara Law Office, we focus on the importance of understanding these statistics to protect yourself and your community.

Violent Crimes in Mason City, Iowa

In Mason City, 73 violent crimes were reported to the Mason City Police Department throughout 2022.

  • Aggravated assaults accounted for 48 incidents.
  • Robbery accounted for 11.
  • Rape accounted for 14.
  • There were no homicides reported in 2022.

In the wider state of Iowa, 2023 saw an increase in violent crimes. Assaults increased by 1.4 percent, with 493 reported in 2023 throughout the state compared to 486 in 2022. Rape crimes also saw an increase in Iowa, while homicides neither increased nor decreased. Robbery crimes decreased between 2022 and 2023, but reports have since increased in 2024.

Property Crimes in Mason City, Iowa

In the same year, The Mason City Police Department reported 710 property crimes.

  • Arson accounted for five incidents.
  • Burglary accounted for 98.
  • Larceny accounted for 556.
  • Theft of a motor vehicle accounted for 51.

Between 2022 and 2023, Iowa saw an increase in crimes of arson. Across the state, the number of reports (seven) from 2022 jumped to 11 reports in 2023. Reports of burglary decreased between these years by only one case. Larceny crimes increased by 15.17 percent, with a difference of 103 incidents reported.

How Is Crime Information Reported in Mason City?

Crimes in Mason City, Iowa, are reported by the Mason City Police Department through the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. Data that is collected through the UCR Program is sorted by crime type, time period, ethnicity, race, sex, age, and other criteria.

Violent crimes are considered and reported using the hierarchy rule. This rule is used when multiple offenses occur within any criminal incident. Only the most serious crime is counted toward the reported data, which is just one way that crime rates may be skewed.

Proceed With Caution When Looking at Crime Rate Data

With all the factors capable of influencing the volume and type of crime, it is important to consider the context in which these crimes were committed and reported. Data collected by the UCR Program will not relate the unique variables of these crimes to their statistics, making comparisons between regions untrustworthy.

Applying Crime Rate Statistics

Accurate crime statistics are useful in the decision-making of local government. Mason City, IA, crime rate data can be used to calculate budgeting for law enforcement and appropriate resource allocation, helping law enforcement address crime at all levels.


Where Does Iowa Rank in Crime?

Where Iowa ranks in crime is debated. Ranking states by crime rate is actually discouraged. Due to a variety of factors affecting crime type and prevalence in Mason City, statistics may fluctuate, making a ranking based on crime data reductive and unhelpful. Data from previous years may not accurately reflect or predict crime data for the current year.

How Safe Is Iowa Compared to Other States?

Compared to other states, Iowa is safer than most. Although ranking states by crime rate is discouraged by official government entities, we can deduce that Iowa’s crime rate per capita is significantly less than many U.S. states. Iowa’s lack of major cities may contribute to its lower crime rate. In 2022, the Mason City Police Department reported no homicides, which is an indicator of the city’s safety.

How Does the Crime Rate Affect the Quality of Life in Mason City?

Crime rate is one of many factors influencing the quality of life in Mason City. Other factors include housing stability, financial background, education and career opportunities, and access to medical care. Collectively, these factors create a more well-rounded view of a region’s quality of life.

Is Mason City, Iowa a Good Place to Live?

With scenic neighborhoods, sprawling outdoor parks, and a rich architectural heritage, Mason City is considered an excellent place to live by many residents. Living in the area connects you to a diverse hub of history and culture. If you are considering relocating to Mason City or otherwise weighing the benefits of living here, the crime rate is one of many things worth considering. With fewer instances of crime than many other places, Mason City’s safety makes it a more desirable place to live.

Defending Criminal Cases at O’Mara Law Office

If you have been charged with a crime, consult with one of our experienced attorneys at O’Mara Law Office. With over 10 years of combined experience, we understand that the outcome of a criminal case can have long-lasting effects, even if you are not guilty. Having a knowledgeable defense attorney can help reduce the consequences of your charge. We aim to provide legal counsel that is compassionate and tailored to your unique criminal case.

We provide defense for the following criminal charges and more:

  • Murder and Homicide
  • OWI (Operating While Intoxicated, also known as DWI or DUI)
  • Assault
  • Drug Possession
  • Theft and Burglary
  • Violation of No-Contact Orders
  • White-Collar Crimes (can include fraud, forgery, embezzlement, identity theft, and more.)

To discuss a criminal charge against yourself or a loved one, contact O’Mara Law Office, PLLC, to see how we can assist you through your unique case.

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